If you are new to the independent agency channel or coming from a captive carrier, Please read this in its entirety.
If you happen to be an existing independent agent with carrier appointments and already established, you are most likely not needing to read much further. Your Agency Information – Before you start to order any materials, you need to make sure that you have all your ducks in a row. You want to make sure all your information is correct and in its final form. Name, Address, phone, and fax numbers, email address. This is a long-winded way to say all your information needs to be in its final form. You do not want to have 432 business cards with the wrong information, and you want your website to be current with all the correct info. The best gauge if you are ready. Once you schedule your appointment with Charlene or Martin for your LEXISNEXIS node number, you can start to get your marketing materials. ICA is now offering printing services for all of our free marketing materials. Unfortunately, we can not provide free printing services, but we can provide pricing cheaper than any online or even local printing shop. This is one of the many benefits of being an ICA member. Please direct any questions to Tim Warren 719-528-5400 ext 119 or tim@icainsurance.comShipping
ICA is currently using USPS Priority boxes for shipping. ICA will put as much as possible in the smallest box for shipping. Shipping starts at $8.50 and goes up to $28 for the biggest box. For those agents that are within pick up distance, there is no shipping and a great deal.Business Card Options
Click on the sample to view the front and back side of the business card.
Don't like the colors? Don't worry, the colors for your business card will be changed to match your logo. Each person that wants a business card needs to fill out a separate form. Enter your information and choose your design from the options below. Once you submit the form, it may take up to 5 business days to see your first draft. After reviewing your draft and verifying the information is correct, you will be sent a pdf of your marketing materials.
Business Card Options
Click on the sample to view the front and backside of the postcard.
You will want to make sure you already have a logo for your agency before ordering printed materials.Presentation Folder Options
Option 1 - Outside View

Covers - Back & Cover
Option 1 - Inside View

Inside - Inside Left & Inside Right
4x9 Rackcards
There is one template to choose from with a slight difference on the back of the handout. Click on the sample to view the image larger.